Home Page

Hi there!

I’m Gwen Peterson, an internationally known spiritual teacher, Reiki Master and author, driven by my soul’s calling to inspire and guide others toward healing, and happiness. That's a mouth full and spirit keeps me very busy supporting others in finding answers to their spiritual questions.

As a Soul Coach, I’ve had the honor of supporting countless people on their journeys of awakening and ascension.

I am what you would call a conscious channel, I serve as a conduit for the Divine, aka Archangels and Ascended Masters, sharing their messages and wisdom to help others connect with their highest selves.

My work reflects my own journey of spiritual empowerment, and I deeply believe that we are all capable of living from a deeper place inside of ourselves and experience joy filled lives.

I would love to share this journey with you and I invite you to begin your own transformational journey today.  Let's begin.

3 Signs of Spiritual Growth

  • Self-Doubt
  • The feeling something is missing 
  • Impatience

Stop beating yourself up and embrace who you truly are at your core and begin transforming your life in new ways.

Unleash Your Playful Soul and Transform Your Life

Why this book now?

The word why is very powerful. Whenever we ask ourselves this question, what we hear in response can be life changing. This book like that word can and will allow you to...

  • Regain control of your life 
  • Be confident in what to do in each moment
  • Find the peace, love and joy that has been missing in your life
  • Take actionable transforming steps right now
  • Find the answers you are looking for
  • Put fun back in your life

Not sure Insights and Illuminations is a good fit?
Try one of these foundational pieces to a Spiritual Practice at no cost.

My experience the first time was that of total unconditional love.


Gwen really speaks to my heart. No rhetoric, just plain truths to ponder upon. Thanks Gwen
Carmela Furia


I haven't worked on myself really much in years and this work has/is helping me a lot.


Upcoming Webinars

I bet you had a reason for being here.

Whether you are just starting out or feel like you are ready to go deeper into your spiritual awareness, I will give you the foundation to discover your soul's direction and grow your own dialogue with the divine wisdom that is within you. Let's begin.

Just Starting Out

Your up. Your down. You don't know what to do any more.  Maybe your health is taking a beating. Self-love and self-care.  What does that even mean?

Let me show you how to find some relief from this rollercoaster.  Start sleeping better and even find that smile again.
Insights and Illuminations is free to join and is a journey to your soul.

Meditation and journaling is the foundation of any spiritual practice.  I have free resources available for our beginners.

Dig a Little Deeper

So many teachers, techniques, classes and books.  Which way do you go?  Who do you listen to?

Your soul.  It has all the answers. Learn how to listen to your soul?  Learn about your emotions and what they mean.  Learn to listen, hear or feel the gentle nudges of spirit.

Join Insights and Illuminations to see the many stand alone classes, meditations and more online spiritual classes available to you and begin playing with spirit.

Become integrated with your Soul

You have developed your dialog with your soul and it is nudging you on to become a teacher.  A teacher of what?  

That is between you and your soul.  Becoming a Mentor of Insights and Illuminations is the loving connected energy you will bring to that work in a powerful way.  The Mentorship Program is being recreated and will be ready soon.

Join Insights and Illuminations so you can be the first to register.

Sign up for our weekly Insights and Illuminations messages

Ready to begin your journey?

Each person's spiritual journey is their own. It will be as unique as you are. I will guide and support you in discovering your soul's guidance through variety of online spiritual classes, events and discussions. How far you want to go with your spiritual journey is completely up to you. Start feeling better immediately and decide if you are wanting to deepen your spiritual practice.  Do you want to grow your dialogue with the divine wisdom of your soul or go even further with my Mentorship Certification Program (currently being recreated)?  Where ever you are on your path, I will support your journey into self awareness.