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Gwen's Blog

In the early days, I had a blog that was sent out everyday.  Little bits of insights and illuminations for those needing a little inspirations and confirmation in their journey.  My blogs are more of a monthly thing but still filled with Insights and Illuminations, I hope will inspire and support you.  Feel free to randomly read the ones you are drawn to.  I bet you find they fill your need in the moment.  Many blessings to you, Gwen

Gwen Peterson

I guess it would be easier for me to talk about light and fluffy stuff right now. To steer clear of the growing pains our planet is in at ...

Gwen Peterson

Strong emotions like fear and worry are red flags to let us know we are not in alignment with our Soul and not seeing life from our Soul’s p ...

Gwen Peterson

Venture beyond the physical realm and explore the connection between emotions and spirituality.

Gwen Peterson

Do you really want to begin living your best life?

Gwen Peterson

This year I turned 61. I don't feel that age and yes I have some health concerns but I am not a victim. In fact, with each passing day, I

Gwen Peterson

In my last blog we focused into the feeling of perfection. Could you feel the perfection? Could you feel the intensity of the feeling? The ...

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