Discover who you are. When you do, you will find that you are not a defined essence. You do not fit easily into labels you give yourself.
Each day you become more. Each day you move into and out of levels of awareness that allow you to explore your life experience from many different perspectives. Don't be rigid in your definition of who you are as you are many things yet to be discovered.
Take a moment now and visit with something you find yourself struggling with something. Does the paradigm you hold yourself to still fit with who you have become? Give yourself permission to change old beliefs that no longer work for you and hold you back from the unconditional love and peace you truly are.
Gwen Peterson, Creator of Insights and Illuminations
Gwen Peterson is a metaphysical teacher, intuitive, soon to be author and spiritual Mentor to those searching for answers and guidance into spirituality, deeper meaning in their lives and perhaps building a dialogue with their Soul. Her program supports all levels of awareness of spirituality. Join her community of Insights and Illuminations.